Friday, November 25, 2011

Alter-G and PRS

While a good deal of you were shopping the morning away, I was doing something I have not done in a VERY long time, running nearly 6 miles. Now let me be perfectly clear a few things: One, I love to run. Two, I hate treadmills. I hate, hate, hate treadmills. That is, until I met Alter-G. When it comes to running, I am not a complete novice, but as of late, my mileage has been rather limited. Not so long ago I was in fantastic shape, completing back to back marathons (5 weeks apart). But burn out, stress, change in running partners and the dreaded busyness became just a few of the excuses I used to resume a life of stagnation. 30 pounds and three years later, I was miserable and could barely do two miles. What happened to the former me? I can’t blame it on kids, because my youngest was born a year before I completed my marathons! Those great jeans are still hanging in my closet-the ones I can barely pull past my thighs-but why wasn’t that enough motivation? I even have my marathon medals hanging for me to look at every day, but that only made me more depressed! So this fall I began running two days a week with my teenage daughter. But she plays competitive soccer and when she began practicing 5 days a week, we had to reduce our run time together, and still she began to outpace me. What was I to do? I knew that in order to pick up my pace, I had to lose weight, and that wasn’t going to happen running two miles, two days a week.

This is where Paul McCrae and Personal Running Solutions thankfully came into the picture. A dear friend of mine has been running with Paul and PRS for a while now. She has had incredible times as a result of Paul’s training, but with my limited capabilities I was well…terrified. That was, until I learned of Alter G. I really had not done much research on this treadmill, but with a number of other mutual friends using it, I thought I would give it a try. Especially since PRS was giving a free trial, I figured what could I lose? Paul asked if I wanted to sign up for a 45 or 60 minute session, to which I thought, “Yeah right…I haven’t run in 3 weeks and prior to that my longest time was what, 30 minutes?” Whatever, I’ll sign up for 45 and plug my way through it. See I have a treadmill. And I know that the time I can tolerate on a treadmill is far less than on the road. I am totally uncoordinated and spend half of the time trying to keep my feet from hitting the side of the treadmill! Plus, I am completely claustrophobic-I figured there was no way I could possibly have this thing wrapped around my waist while I run for much longer than 10 minutes. But boy was I wrong. Not only did I keep my usual pace for the entire 45 minutes, but I felt GREAT! I was able to reduce the amount of g’s that were placed on my lower body, and in doing so, was able to run much further than I thought possible! Plus, it was far less constricting and awkward than I could have possibly imagined. And that is by no means all! Two weeks later I have increased my pace by nearly 3 ½ minutes per mile. No, this is not an exaggeration. First run two weeks ago I was running 12 minute miles. Today, a good deal of my 45 minute run was at an 8.38 minute mile! AND, I can’t wait to get back on it again!
Alter-G is not just for runners trying to get back into shape, or even for basic training. It also designed specifically for injured runners who do not want to lose precious training time or who would like to run while recovering. Check out the Alter-G website to learn more specifics, but if you are in the Jax/St. Augustine area, I DEFINITELY suggest you contact Paul via e-mail at to set up a trial run. It very well could change your life. (Obviously, if you have an injury, contact your physician first and disclose all information to Paul before you begin!)

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